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INCORE guide to Internet sources on conflict in Indonesia

Compiled by Mangadar Siturmorang (December 2004)


Inclusion in this guide does not imply an endorsement by INCORE of the views expressed in any of these sources. If you have a complaint about this guide or believe that we have omitted a relevant source please read our information about the guides before writing to us. You may find that this will answer some of your questions. This includes a warning about the type of information included in the guide, information about our 'criteria for inclusion' in the guides and about our 'updating and additions policy'.

News Sources - Email Lists

BBC Country Guides:
BBC provides latest news and reports on the situation in Indonesia and East Timor. Also provided in Bahasa Indonesia
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/country_profiles/1260544.stm (911)

Washington Post
Washington Post Reports on Indonesia
http://www.washingtonpost.com ........ (912)

The Guardian: Focus on Indonesia
Left-wing UK newspaper compilation of recent reporting on Indonesian politics and society
http://www.guardian.co.uk/indonesia (913)

National and Local Governmental Institutions and Agencies

Indonesian People Consultative Assembly – MPR
This site offers information around the MPR activities and agenda.
http://mpr.wasantara.net.id/ (914)

Indonesian Parliament/House of Representatives – DPR
This page officially is designated to provide information about the parliament institution, policies, and activities.
http://www.dpr.go.id/ (915)

Indonesian District Parliament Association - ADKASI
This page offers news, activities, working programs and policies of the Indonesian District Parliament Association – Asosiasi DPRD Kabupaten Seluruh Indonesia – Adkasi
http://www.adkasi.or.id (916)

Indonesian Municipal Parliament Association – ADEKSI
An online source providing information about the association profile, activities, and links – offered also in Bahasa Indonesia.
http://www.adeksi.or.id/ (917)

Association of Indonesia Municipalities – APEKSI
A useful page for finding information about the municipal administrations, regional coordination, and regional development issues, but can be read only in Bahasa Indonesia.
http://www.apeksi.or.id/ (918)

Indonesian City Network
City Development Strategy is a site offers information about development issues such as urbanization, poverty alleviation, civil-society empowerment, etc, in English and Bahasa Indonesia versions
http://www.cdsindonesia.org/ (919)

Indonesian Permanent Mission to the United Nations
This site provides mainly Indonesian political stance and statements on various international issues including on its domestic conflicts and human rights problems.
http://www.indonesiamission-ny.org/ (920)

External Governmental Institutions and Agencies

Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor
CRTR or popularly known as CAVR is a commission aimed at inquiring human rights violations in East Timor in 1974-1999 and intended to build a reconciliation among Timorese societies. Need more information about the commission and its works.
http://www.easttimor-reconciliation.org/index.htm (954)

International Multilateral Organisations (IOs)

United Nations activities in Indonesia
18 UN agencies including UNDP, UNHCR, UNESCO, UNICEF, etc., have offices in Indonesia all working to uphold the principles of the UN and bring about a better standard of living for all Indonesians. Some of their activities are in Conflict prevention, reconciliation and response.
http://www.un.or.id/ (921)

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Data, statistics, documents, links, and news about this regional organization (ASEAN) are provided and easily accessed here
http://www.aseansec.org/home.htm (922)

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
One an increasingly important trans-regional organization (APEC) seeking closer cooperation in economic, security and other issues with an informative homepage
http://www.apecsec.org.sg/apec.html (923)

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
One an increasingly important trans-regional organization (APEC) seeking closer cooperation in economic, security and other issues with an informative homepage
http://www.apecsec.org.sg/apec.html (924)

International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGOs), Research Institutes, Non-State Actors

Building Human Security in Indonesia
Hosted by Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research a huge range of news, selected documents and research topics about politics, economy, human rights, and conflict in Indonesia are available in this site.
http://www.preventconflict.org/portal/main/portalhome.php (925)

WSWS on Indonesia
World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) makes news and analysis about Indonesian politics, economic, and policies on particular issues such as conflicts in Ambon, Aceh and Papua is widely more accessible.
http://www.wsws.org/sections/category/news/as-indon.shtml (926)

Making more space for peace in Indonesia
Peace Brigades International (PBI) – Indonesia Project is a site offering information about PBI activities in maintaining peace by non-violence and non-partisanship to conflicts.
http://www.peacebrigades.org/etp/etp.html (927)

Papua on the Survival
Survival International ('Survival') is a worldwide organisation supporting tribal peoples. It stands for their right to decide their own future and helps them protect their lives, lands and human rights. One of its programs supports the tribes in Papua, Indonesia.
http://www.survival-international.org/about.htm (928)

Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific - ASAP
An Internet source organized by activists around Australia offering information and reports in order to build social justice and democratisation in Asia and Pacific regions. It is a huge part on East Timor and Indonesian recent issues.
http://www.asia-pacific-action.org/ (929)

Armed Conflict Events Data in Indonesia
This site provides the armed conflict events data – ACED in Indonesia since the WW II up to last decade (1939-1999)
http://www.onwar.com/aced/nation/ink/indonesia/findex.htm (930)

Asian Social Issues Program
Ethnic and other types of communal conflict are part of social issues. As such, Asian Social Issues Program established this site to provide huge information, articles, reports and documents including other related issues.
http://www.asiasource.org/asip/ (931)

International Christian Concern on Indonesia
A site provides a useful data, profile, and articles about Christian community in Indonesia
http://www.persecution.org/Countries/indonesia.html (932)

TAPOL – on human rights issues
- is a leading international human rights advocacy on Indonesia and East Timor. As a non-state organization based in London, UK, this site provides huge information including news and statements, bulletin, archive, report and papers, and some publications on human rights related issues in Indonesia, notably on Papua, Aceh, and also East Timor (Timor Leste).
http://tapol.gn.apc.org/ (934)

East Timor in Crisis
This resource provides information of crisis situation in 1999. The role of media, paramilitaries, international greater power and the UN can be found here. It is also a comparison with Kosovo.
http://www.globalissues.org/Geopolitics/EastTimor.asp (952)

East Timor Action Networks/US – ETAN
This website is a great start to explore political situation in East Timor. You can find information during Indonesian occupation, violence, human rights issues and international roles. Through this site you can also accesses to an international federation of NGOs advocating for East Timor through the UN forum, International Federation for East Timor (IFET).
http://www.etan.org/ (953)

Local Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs), Civil Society Organisations, Research Institutes, Non-State Actors

Study of Conflicts in Indonesia
This site offers tools for studying conflict including bibliographies and methodologies for research
http://www.communalconflict.com/ (933)

The Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (ELSAM)
News, analysis, reports on human rights issues and particularly activities in promoting human rights in Indonesia are easily accessed in English and Indonesian languages.
http://elsam.minihub.org/txt/english/index.html (935)

Indonesian Parliament Watch
This site is designated to monitor the Indonesian Parliament (DPR) member profiles, activities and policies. However, information offered is in Bahasa Indonesia.
http://www.awasiparlemen.org (936)

The Liberal Islam Network – Jaringan Islam Liberal
An enlightening and liberating network provides great sources of interviews, discussions, clipping about Islam. Information is available in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
http://www.islamlib.com/page.php (937)

Centre for Strategic and International Studies – CSIS
As an independent non-profit organization, CSIS established this website to provide analysis, studies and discussion on Indonesian national and international issues. Resources are available in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
http://www.csis.or.id (938)

International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID)
Founded in 1985 the forum (INFID) intends to monitor development policies in Indonesia. Through this website INFID provides information about its activities in monitoring and criticizing national development policies and the policy framework of Consultative Group on Indonesia (CGI). Political statement can be also accessed in this site
http://www.infid.or.id (939)

Come to Aceh - Links
This site is a great source providing A-Z information about conflict in Aceh. Mlitary activities, Aceh struggle, government policies, and Mobil Oil operation are some of the issues.
http://www.come.to/aceh_links (940)

Come to Aceh
This site is a great source providing A-Z information about conflict in Aceh. Mlitary activities, Aceh struggle, government policies, and Mobil Oil operation are some of the issues.
http://www.come.to/aceh_links (941)

Media coverage on Aceh
This page provides compiled media reports on conflict in Aceh.
http://www.1worldcommunication.org/aceh.htm (942)

Maluku Sovereignty Front – FKM/RMS
The Foundation for Keeping Moluccan Civil- and Political Rights – FKMCPR page is set up for making available information about the struggle of civil and political rights of the indigenous people of the Moluccas
http://www.fkmcpr.nl/?page=1&lang=2 (943)

Front Siwa Lima
This site is another site of struggle for Maluku Sovereignty
http://www.rms-maluku-fsl.org/ (944)

Human Rights Monitor – IMPARSIAL
IMPARSIAL, means “impartiality”, is an Indonesian human rights organization. News, reports, and publications related to human rights issues in Indonesia are offered in this website. However, all information is provided in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language).
http://www.imparsial.org/ (945)

The Commission for Disappearances and Victims of Violence - KONTRAS
This site is valuable source for providing information, investigation, and advocacy regarding the disappearances of pro-democratic activists or people in Indonesia.
http://www.desaparecidos.org/kontras/ (946)

Free Aceh Movement – GAM or ASNLF
This homepage is aimed to provide links and information resources on Aceh. It is a comprehensive and useful source on the historical background and political struggle of Free Aceh Movement (GAM – Gerakan Aceh Merdeka) or Acheh/Sumatra National Liberation Front (ASNLF). It also provides day-to-day information, analysis and political statement on the current conflict in the northern region of Sumatra, Indonesia.
http://acehnet.tripod.com/ (947)

Banda Aceh regional administration
This is an online information source about Banda Aceh. Banda Aceh is the capital city of Aceh province, or now formally called as Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) province. News and information about the city development and administration can be accessed through this site managed by Banda Aceh city administration.
http://www.bandaaceh.go.id/ (948)

Ambon Information Website
This is an Internet source, which has a lot of information and links relating to conflict in Maluku regions: Central Maluku and Ambon, North Maluku, and South Maluku. It contains data, statistic and maps, as well as documents and articles. Authored by W. Richard Rowat serving as field coordinator for Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Ambon between May 1999 and February 2000, this website offers an exceptionally valuable source.
http://www.websitesrcg.com/ambon/index.html (949)

Maluku Organizations
Provides internet source of many Maluku organizations in Indonesia, the Netherlands and other parts of the world.
http://www.maluku.org/ (950)

The Moluccan Information and Documentation Center – Infomaluku
Established and based in the Netherlands this provides documented news, views, events, and interviews on conflict situation in Maluku. Information is available in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
http://www.infomaluku.com/ (951)

La’o Hamutuk – Walking Together
As a non-governmental organization with main remits to monitoring, analysing and facilitating the economic and social reconstruction, this site offers useful information in form of bulletins and reports.
http://www.etan.org/lh/ (955)

Jamaah Islamiah News Search
Reports and analyses on Jamaah Islamiah are accessible through this site.
http://jemaahislamiah.newstrove.com/ (956)

Laskar Jihad News Search
Reports and analyses about Laskar Jihad are available in this site.
http://laskarjihad.newstrove.com/ (957)

Nahdlatul Ulama (NU – Online)
The largest Islam organization in Indonesia, NU-Online offers news and information about the history, organization, and activities.
http://www.nu.or.id/index.asp (958)

Muhammadiyah - online
The second largest Islam organization in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah-online provides news and information about the organization’s history, activities, and discussions.
http://www.muhammadiyah-online.or.id (959)

Indonesian Catholic Conference – KWI
A formal website of the Indonesian Catholic Church offering useful information.
However, this site is available in Bahasa Indonesia only.
http://www.kawali.org (960)

Articles, Papers, Reports, Agreements

Internal Conflict in Indonesia: Causes, Symptoms and Sustainable Resolution
by Chris Wilson, Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Group, 7 August 2001.
http://www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/rp/2001-02/02RP01.htm (961)

Causes of Conflict in Indonesia
Sydney Jones envisages historical, political, and economic factors that are lying at the roots of conflict in Indonesia. (New York: October 24, 2000)
http://www.reuters.com (962)

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