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Journeys Out Archive


The Questionnaire

Journeys Out is premised on the view that community leaders have an important part to play in peace-building. We are looking at the reasons and motivations why individuals and communities have sought to deal with the past, especially in relation to the conflict in Northern Ireland.


  1. What work do you currently do at community level?
  1. How did you become involved in community relations/development work? Was there a specific trigger or reason behind this?
  1. If circumstances had been different – and there had not been a conflict here – how might your own life have been different? Did you always intend to engage in community relations/development work?
  1. How have you (and the community you represent) dealt with the legacy of the conflict?
    • What has been done already?
    • What still remains to be done/are there any outstanding needs?
  1. From your own perspective what are the challenges to you doing this sort of work?
    • At a community level
    • At a personal level
  1. How do you feel about your own role in community relations/development work to date – what have been the high and low points?
  1. Has your approach to your work changed over the years? If so, how?
  1. What role/impact do you think you have played/your work has played in the wider peace process?
  1. Are there any lessons from your own experience and journey as a peace-builder and community leader that you feel others could learn from?
  1. Has Northern Ireland/the North of Ireland/the Six Counties* (delete as appropriate) any lessons for other areas around the world that may have emerged from (or are about to emerge from) armed conflict?
  1. What do hope to gain from your participation in Journeys Out?

Participant questionnaire | Biographies of interviewees | Search the archive

Journeys Out is funded by the European Union's Peace and Reconciliation Programme 200-2006 under Measure 2.4 Pathways in Inclusion, Integration and Reconciliation of Victims and managed for the Special European Union Programmes Body by The Community Foundation for Northern Ireland

For more information about Journeys Out please contact:

Janet Farren
Tel: +44 (0) 28 7137 5575
Email: Je.farren@ulster.ac.uk

Disclaimer: © INCORE 2010 Last Updated on Friday, 19-Mar-2010 15:50
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